Zinky Superfly blog - Part 19: Ready To Ship
I sent Bruce a picture of the chassis (left) with the protector bolted on using the screws that normally hold it into the case.
Once again I tried to clarify exactly what I would like in addition to the reverb repair - do the upgrade, figure out why the new output valves were not working well in the amp and supply a head-only case.
Back came a sort-of positive reply a couple of days later - see part 20.
From: david@dave.st
Subject: Shipping Superfly chassis
Date: 14 April 2008 14:39:26 BST
To: zinky@zinky.com
I have put together a plywood "base" to bolt over the knobs and switches, as per the attached picture. It should reduce flex in the chassis as well, which can't be a bad thing. I will then of course wrap that all in several layers of protection as you suggested in your last email, not forgetting the reverb chassis, tubes and I may as well send the retro-mod box which was put in line with the reverb output.
Would you just confirm please that it will be possible to do the upgrade, check the biasing and when returning the amp, supply a head-only cabinet?
Kind regards,
Dave Jackson