Zinky Superfly blog - Part 39: One Step Back?
Has Bruce identified an old problem more precisely, or is there a new problem. Whatever, it means more work, hence the delays.
At least the rest of it works "perfectly" now.
However, no info on the other aspects of the work that I mentioned in my previous email. A reminder is required yet again - see part 40.
From: info@zinky.com
Subject: Re: Superfly progress in September
Date: 16 September 2008 23:23:05 BST
To: david@dave.st
Hi David;
Got ahead of myself.
There was an issue with the reverb, where the reverb control wasn't raising the volume smoothly on every setting.
I took the whole amp apart again, re-did the reverb (I think there was a bad solder joint on a relay). I will be testing it and re-assembling this week.
The rest of the amp has been updated to the current specification and works perfectly.
Sorry about the false start,