Zinky Superfly blog - Part 41: Free Update?
Suddenly the whole task appears more laborious than the early "nearly fixed it" emails implied.
But Bruce is going to try to get it done within a week and there'll be no charge for the update - that's got to be good?
I still haven't got confirmation on the other requirements though, so I had to send yet another email asking the same thing - see part 42.
From: info@zinky.com
Subject: Re: Resending: Superfly progress in October
Date: 27 October 2008 15:58:09 GMT
To: david@dave.st
Hello David;
This has taken so long, I can't charge for the update any more.
I have the amp on my bench. I have not had the opportunity to finish the amp yet. The problem was that the reverb control wasn't working properly, and I had to take the main circuit board out to get at the circuitry. We haven't made Superfly amps for years, so I had to reset the test systems for testing Superfly amps. I'm going to do my best to get it finished this week, as the sooner it gets done, the sooner I can have that bench back.
Sorry for the delays,