Zinky Superfly blog - Part 55: Ship Tomorrow!?

Oh, joy - actual activity! Ship tomorrow! A second email!

Some harsh words about their transformer suppliers there.

But hang on... what about the silver case? Perhaps I should send yet another reminder of what I'm expecting - see part 56.

From: zinky@zinky.com
Subject: Re: $1000 says you can fix my Superfly by 31 July
Date: 15 September 2009 02:06:01 BST
To: david@dave.st

replaced the failed relay today.

Should ship tomorrow, no charge.


From: zinky@zinky.com
Subject: Re: $1000 says you can fix my Superfly by 31 July
Date: 17 September 2009 16:54:24 BST
To: david@dave.st


could you email the address you want this chassis sent to:


That's the shipping computer. This computer is at my house.


PS: also had to replace the Mercury Magnetics brand reverb transformer...Which would have been the second MM reverb transformer in your amp we had to replace.

I knew the first one was junk (which is why we replaced it), but I had no idea the second one would fail, too.

We used a Marvel transformer to replace it, which is what we use for every reverb transformer now (No failures in the 5 or 6 years we've used them).