Zinky Superfly blog - Part 7: Checking The Options
My email on 22 February (right) asked for more information from which to make a decision. It wasn't clear whether Bruce reckoned he could instruct me to do the upgrade myself (gulp!) or just to try and sort out the reverb problem. If the upgrade required expertise, was it available in the UK?
At that point I had not even seen inside the amp chassis - a daunting array of circuitry (see picture of the area around the reverb driver transformer) to handle the MIDI switching as well as the audio shaping.
I received no reply for over two weeks so sent the email again (bottom right).
Bruce's reply did not offer the easiest option, a UK repairer - see part 8.
From: dave@dave.st
Subject: Re: Trying again re: Frustrating Superfly Combo reverb problem
Date: 22 February 2007 21:24:06 GMT
To: zinky@zinky.com
Thanks for your reply.
Are the changes referred to in your last paragraph the equivalent of the upgrade work in your second paragraph? Can the upgrade be done by someone here in the UK as otherwise I guess I'd have to ship the chassis back to the US?
Would the upgrade include the capacitor mod to the reverb?
I'm just trying to understand what my options are!
From: dave@dave.st
Subject: Trying again with my 22 Feb reply re: Frustrating Superfly Combo reverb problem
Date: 12 March 2007 21:56:17 GMT
To: zinky@zinky.com
My last email may have got lost so here it is again...